Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journey on the ocean of life : The paths

If you have not done so already, please read the posts "An ocean journey with a twist : The vessels" and "Journey on the ocean of life" before you read this one.

You will reach the goal if you give up your sense of doership and completely surrender to the Divine.

If you choose to be the doer, then you accumulate karma. Your body undergoes wear and tear. Eventually you will need a new body. What body you get is based on your accumulated karma. While you keep your accumulated karma, the circumstances in which this new body exists will probably be very different. Therefore, the choices you make then will also be different. Who knows whether when you will get to read the fine print again and know that surrender is the only way.

So know that NOW is the only time you have to make the choice to surrender and don't wait for some future time to do it.

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