Thursday, May 5, 2011

Journey on the ocean of life : The journey

If you have not done so already, please read the posts "An ocean journey with a twist : The journey" and "Journey on the ocean of life : The paths" before you read this one.

The journey of surrender is simple. You let the divine (the captain) take care of the journey while you wait patiently to reach the goal. While you wait, you get instructions from the divine on what you need to do in the form of life in the present moment. In surrender, you accumulate no karma and get the opportunity to live out your accumulated karma.

The journey with you as the doer (on the boat) is not so simple. You have complete responsibility over the journey. Even when things are going smoothly, you have to figure out what you need to do. When things are not going smoothly, because of "problems", things get really messy. You create regrets, expectations, disappoints, worries, and all sorts of other emotions because you have identified yourself as the doer. No matter what the result, as the doer, you accumulate the fruits of your actions as karma, whether good or bad.

Follow this link for a more detailed discourse on Spiritual Surrender.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journey on the ocean of life : The paths

If you have not done so already, please read the posts "An ocean journey with a twist : The vessels" and "Journey on the ocean of life" before you read this one.

You will reach the goal if you give up your sense of doership and completely surrender to the Divine.

If you choose to be the doer, then you accumulate karma. Your body undergoes wear and tear. Eventually you will need a new body. What body you get is based on your accumulated karma. While you keep your accumulated karma, the circumstances in which this new body exists will probably be very different. Therefore, the choices you make then will also be different. Who knows whether when you will get to read the fine print again and know that surrender is the only way.

So know that NOW is the only time you have to make the choice to surrender and don't wait for some future time to do it.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Journey on the ocean of Life

If you have not done so already, please read the post "An ocean journey with a twist" before you read this one.

On the journey of life, there is no itinerary. The purpose is to make the journey. The ultimate goal is to get back to the shore (The Source also variously called Brahman, Consciousness, or Divine among myriads of other names. Treat the names as mere words failing to describe the indescribable), which is where you came from. The twists on this journey.
  1. You (the Atman or the Self) will never lose your life on this journey.
  2. You can choose to make the journey on your own in your own boat (body, mind, ego, intellect). Even if you start out with this choice, you are always given the opportunity to get back on the ship (Surrender), no questions asked and no judgements made. You gain experience (karma. NOTE: I use the word experience very loosely so it fits the story.) when you journey on your own.
  3. The fine print : The only way to get back to the Source is through Surrender.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

An ocean journey with a twist : The twist

If you have not done so already, please read the post "An ocean journey with a twist : The reality" before you read this one.

Until now it appears as though the passengers are given a choice as to whether they want to stay on the ship or take a boat. Also, when they are on the boat it appears as though they have control over the boat.

But that is what it is, just an appearance. In this case, the appearance is deceiving. The whole journey is just an elaborate illusion. It is virtual reality. As passengers enter the scene, they are given virtual reality glasses and made to play an elaborate virtual reality game. The goal of the game is to still reach the shore but everything that happens in the game is carefully orchestrated by somebody with the power to do so. The game is so engaging that the passengers forget that it is only a game and start believing that its all real, that they have control.

The only way to get out of the game is to accept that all of this is virtual reality, then give up the illusion of control, and choose the ship, not necessarily in that order. It turns out that doing one of these fully leads to the others.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An ocean journey with a twist : The reality

If you have not done so already, please read the post "An ocean journey with a twist : The journey" before you read this one.

Given that being on the ship is the only way to get to the shore, you would think that most people, if not all, would choose the ship. However, the reality is quite different.

Almost everybody chooses the boats. The reasons are different for different people.
  • Some never actually got to read the fine print because the people who brought them to the journey never showed them the fine print, (which, if you remember says that the only way to get to the shore is on the ship) probably they themselves did not know. Also, they never get an opportunity to see the fine print again due to circumstances.
  • Some read the fine print. However, they were under the impression that the point was to make the journey. Having completely missed the point that the goal was to reach the shore, the fine print did not seem important.
  • Some understood the fine print. However, by then they had spent so long on the boat, that they were conditioned to believe that they still needed to be in control to make the journey.
Only the people, who at some point, got what the fine print was saying, got the real purpose of the journey, make the choice to get back on the ship and completely relinquish control.  In fact, it is possible that everybody on that ship started out by choosing the boat but later chose the ship once they realized what this was all about.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An ocean journey with a twist : The journey

If you have not done so already, please read the post "An ocean journey with a twist : The vessels" before you read this one.

The journey on the ship is simple. You let the captain take care of the journey while you just wait to get to the shore. You will have to do the captain's bidding if necessary but in general you are guaranteed to reach the shore in a relatively short amount of time. The only thing you have to do is give up control.

The journey on the boat is not so simple. You have complete responsibility over the journey. Even when things are going smoothly, you have to know which way you are going and make course corrections as necessary. When things are not going smoothly, say a storm, then things get really messy. The best case you come out of the storm with a few bruises and some fixable damage to the boat. The worst case, your boat gets destroyed, and you have to wait for the ship to bail you out and get you a new one. In either case, you are guaranteed not to lose your life so you know you will continue on the journey again.

Monday, April 25, 2011

An ocean journey with a twist : The vessels

If you have not done so already, please read the post "An ocean journey with a twist" before you read this one.

The ship will always get to the shore.

The boat, on the other hand, undergoes wear and tear. Eventually the passengers who choose the boat route will need a new boat, either because it sprung a leak or because it was too old to be workable anymore. When that happens, the passengers can get back on the ship and the captain chooses a new boat for them based on what experience they have gained from the previous boat. The new boat is different from the previous one. Therefore, passengers have to relearn how to navigate the new boat, all over again.