Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Now that you have embraced spirituality, are you going to leave your family and become a sanyasi?

The short answer - an emphatic NO.

Spirituality provides Living Lessons. It is about living the life you have been given fully, NOT running away from it because you are chasing God.

In the laboratory of life, the family life is the crucible and the members of your family are the other reagents in your transformation.

In Chapter VII (The Role of the Guru) of the book "The Combined Works of Chariji - Volume 2 (My Master)" By Shri P. Rajagopalachari (my master), he states the following.

"... . Master has time and again stated that it is in the family environment that true vairagya is developed, while performing one's duties. The sannyasi system, on the contrary, encourages runaways and drop-outs, who seek the system merely as a refuge from the demands of a family existence. Sannyasa thus encourages weakness, and adds to the already exceedingly large number of itinerant wanderers who live off society without contributing anything significant in return. This is a burden that, in the present context, society can hardly continue to bear, in terms of both materiality and the higher life. ..."

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