Thursday, March 24, 2011

You say you practice detachment. Does that mean you are detached from your wife?

The simple answer - Yes.

Attachment is relationship with expectations. Expectations are the strings "attached" to the relationship. Love has no strings attached. Detachment, or more precisely non-attachment, is love.

PS: While the question used the word wife, you can replace it with child, significant other, friend, or any other relationship, close or otherwise.


Roja Poo said...

If you are attached to someone, think why you are attached to them. Then say to yourself just let go of the attachment.

Unknown said...

hi Roja Poo
wow your response is very profound and deep. When you think why you are attached to someone most of the time you will get many reasons. But once you know the reason then you will start to analyze the reason. If you keep on going in your analsys finally you will come back to the starting point. Dont you think so? Satish please respond your thoughts..

NOW! said...


Consider what Roja Poo said. She said "think why you are attached to them". In other words, find the reason for the attachment. She did not say analyze them. So once you find the reason, just let go. There is no need for analysis once you have made the choice to give up attachments.

Unknown said...

why even think of the reason then, if the choice is made to give up attachments no need to think right? but i dont think it is simple being in a marriage with kids etc. Also it is very difficult to be without attachment being in the family. I see your point of giving up but i feel it is not that simple to give up even if you think why you are attached to something.

NOW! said...

No body ever said it was easy. Thinking about it only makes it harder.

Look at the links under the Attachment heading in the Links page (under the Pages heading).

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