Monday, March 28, 2011

Expectation creates judgement

Judgement owes its existence to expectation.

Consider this story of two people who take an examination. One person at the end of the exam is very confident that he did all the questions correctly and expects a 100% result. The other person expects only a 80% result in the exam. After some time the results are announced. Both of them scored a 90% on the exam. The person who expected a 100% is now extremely disappointed and judges the result as a bad one. The other person who expected 80% is ecstatic with the results and judges the result as a good one. The score is the same but the judgement of the score and the emotion associated with it is different based on the expectation each person had.


vidhyasatish said...

How can one live without expectations?

NOW! said...

Look at expectations as goals with attachment. Even more so when you have expectations of others.

You have 2 alternatives to expectations.
1. You can set goals. This will give you something to work towards if you need such a thing. However, don't be attached to the goal. Attachment to the goal leads to either having the goal constantly on your mind getting in the way of what you are doing right now and/or major disappointment if you don't meet the goal. Strive towards it. If you don't make it, then learn what you want from that experience and move on.
2. You can actually live life without any goals. You will find that you do things that you really love and that do matter you even if you don't set any goals. Here is a great post on the subject - "The best goal is no goal" (

NOW! said...

See "Why we expect so much?" ( posted today.

NOW! said...

See "Expectation brings frustration" (

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